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Our  Curriculum

Curriculum at CAMBRAI 

Paint Cans
Geography Lesson
Children Praying

Key Stage 1 at Cambrai builds seamlessly from our Early Years and into Key Stage 2 (the juniors!) - to offer a broad and rich introduction to specific subject learning, through the excitement of a range of interesting topics!


Each year group has a long term plan, found on the year group pages below. These plans detail which topics children will cover,  which subjects are taught and when - as well as how the legal 'National Curriculum' has been appropriately interwoven in to our curriculum.


Below, are the individual subject overviews for our school. For example, what will be taught in each of the 'geography' units outlined in the long term plans.  Each subject details what will be taught in from Reception to Year 6 at Cambrai, to clearly show where learning fits in to the overall intent of the subject - with what has come before, and what will come next... as a result of this learning. 


As these year groups become 'live' at Cambrai, each year group 'topic' will also have a parental overview shared, detailing what will be covered, and how parents can support at home. 


Learning to read, by learning to decode, then comprehend is the bedrock of learning at our school - and we make no apology for reading taking pride of place in our Key Stage 1 curriculum. To teach phonics, we use the 'Letters and Sounds - Revised' systematic phonics scheme. More information about how we teach reading across our school, including phonics, can be found on our 'Reading at Cambrai' webpage, HERE. 


A full overview of how our curriculum is designed and implemented is available to download below: 



Languages Curriculum - also see our Reading page, here


Mathematics Curriculum


Full Curriculum


See our individual year group pages, here: 


Catterick Road, Catterick Garrison

North Yorkshire DL9 4BZ
01748 503130

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