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Loving Learning at Cambrai



“Children want the same things we want. To laugh, to be challenged, to be entertained, to be delighted.” ​

Dr Seuss


At Cambrai Primary School, we understand that the importance of getting our curriculum right; a rigourous curriculum matched to the needs of our children allows them to flourish – both academically and socially. In order to achieve this, we provide a curriculum that is broad, balanced, relevant and able to provide for varied needs.


Our ultimate school aim is to ensure that children leave Cambrai Primary school as 'good people'; we are determined to ensure that our curriculum enhances our school culture and climate in order to deliver this fundamental ambition. We aim to identify and remove barriers to learning and provide suitable learning challenges that respond to diverse needs, including those of the most able.


Our curriculum encompasses a variety of exciting, first-hand experiences to enable children to acquire appropriate skills, knowledge and understanding preparing them for today’s world – respecting the nature of individual subjects. Through the provision of a stimulating environment and extensive school grounds, links within the community and beyond, children will develop their full potential. We are determined to reach our aim that any child should reach their goals and excel in any area of the curriculum - and not just in English and Mathematics. As such, children’s Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) development, and their Personal, Social, Citizenship and Health Education (PSCHE) is at the heart of our curriculum approach. 


Our curriculum is aspirational; we aim to promote children's self belief and a 'can do' attitude. We make links to the 'real world' whenever we can, including occupations and locations which children may not relate to on a daily basis. We also aim to make relevant links for our Services Children whenever relevant, be it the choice of locality we chose to study, addressing gaps in children's learning and a core focus on belonging. We aspire for our children to be productive, successful and happy adults in tomorrow's society. We embrace the notion that what they are taught and experience today, directly sets the standard for tomorrow.


Our curriculum assessment procedures are designed to facilitate ever deepening learning in all subjects, often with key learning objectives revisited across a year and beyond in order to ensure that children's knowledge deepens each time a concept or skill is revisited. Our subject overviews highlight how this deepening is explored across the school and in individual year groups, with clear prior learning identified, key knowledge and skills to be assessed and the vocabulary which children should experience and know by the end of the unit of work.

Parents are kept up to date about curriculum foci by means of a curriculum overview sent out each half term by individual teachers, which includes how the curriculum can be further extended at home; we see the home school relationship as vital in making our curriculum purposeful and ‘real’ to the children. This information can be found in the links at the bottom of our curriculum page, here


Reading is a key thread that runs through all that we do at Cambrai. We are a true 'reading school'. As such, we have a detailed ‘early reading’ page on our school website to support parents. See the link below.


Whilst our school is committed to a ‘topic’ approach, we value – and plan for - the study of each subject separately - being conscious of the very 'essence' of each subject. This ‘essence’ is clearly captured in the individual subject ‘intent’ sections as part of each subject overview, and the subject specific overviews below. We want children to be confident historians, geographers, artists and musicians. Therefore we have clear subject and disciplinary knowledge and vocabulary expectations for each subject, which are purposely linked through the theme of a class topic. 


The teaching of British Values is integral to our school's mission of ensuring our children are 'good people' and leave our school ready for life in Modern Britain. The 4 key 'British Values' are:

  •      Individual Liberty

  •      Respect for the Rule of Law

  •      Respect and Tolerance of others, regardless of beliefs, faiths or lack of faith

  •      Democracy

The teaching and promotion of British Values however, goes deeper than individual ‘lessons’ - it embodies our school attitudes, ethos and the way in which we work and interact with children and families – including our school reward system. We truly do embody our school motto of 'Growing good people - doing great things'.


To find out more about our curriculum, please follow the links below, check out our teacher's half termly overviews (included in year group pages at the bottom of the Early Years and Key Stage 1 and 2 pages) or simply get in touch with Miss. Robinson - our school's Headteacher 


Catterick Road, Catterick Garrison

North Yorkshire DL9 4BZ
01748 503130

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"Growing good people - doing great things."

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