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School 'Premium' Allocations


Schools are accountable for the additional funds which they receive in relation to the above 'premiums'. Parents and carers, quite rightly, are often interested in what these additional funds are used for in supporting their children. The school received the PE and Sport Premium for the first time in 2020/21. In 2020/21, schools also published their spending in relation to the one off COVID-19 Catch Up Funding that schools have received. In 2021/22, this is included within the DFE Pupil Premium Strategy template, used by the school.  


The school strategies and associated review documents are detailed below. Further government (DFE) information about Pupil Premium, the PE and Sport Premium and COVID-19 Catch Up Funding can be found by following the links, below. 


Current Year Plans 

School Pupil Premium Approach 23-24

School PE and Sport Premium Approach 23 - 24


Impact Reports for Previous Years

School PE and Sport Premium Approach 2022-23 and Impact Report 

School Pupil Premium Strategy 2022-23 (including impact)

School PE and Sport Premium Approach 2021-22 and Impact Report 
School Pupil Premium
Strategy 2021-22 and Impact Report 

School PE and Sport Premium Approach 20-21 and Impact Report 

School Pupil Premium Strategy 2020-21 and Impact Report

School Pupil Premium Strategy 2019-20 Impact Report

School COVID-19 Catch Up Funding Strategy Impact Report 


DFE Information
DFE: Pupil Premium Information 
DFE: PE and Sport Premium Information 

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