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Staff at Cambrai


As our school grows, so will our staff team at Cambrai Primary School. 


Leadership of Cambrai 


Headteacher - Miss. Laura Robinson









Laura was appointed as Head of School during the autumn term of 2022 and then later appointed as Headteacher for September 2024. Laura helped lead Cambrai through its first OFSTED inspection and secure an Outstanding judgement for the school.  Prior to joining Cambrai, Laura was in a senior leadership position in another Trust school, Northwood  Primary School, in Darlington. 

Laura is an experienced school leader, who is particularly passionate about SEND, personal development, behaviour, securing strong attendance and children LOVING their days at school.  



​​Deputy Headteacher & Reception Class Teacher - Mrs. Stephanie Guest 










Stephanie Guest is a key appointment for Cambrai. Previously working as an Early Years Leader of an outstanding primary  school, Stephanie has a proven track record of ensuring that children love coming to school - and fly when they are there!  Stephanie has experience of teaching Early Years and Key Stage 1 leads this phase of the school and oversees our Trust Early Years Network. 


​​Teaching and Teaching Support Staff

Reception Class Teacher - Mrs. Stephanie Guest (DHT - see above)
Year 1 Teacher - Mr. Jon Hardy

Year 2 Teacher - Mr Rob Pearce

Year 3 Teacher - Miss. Becky Adams 

Year 4 Teacher - Miss. Rebecca Humphrey

Year 5 Teacher - Mr. Sam Marshall 

Small Learning Community Teacher - Mrs Lorna Stewart 


Higher Level Teaching Assistant - Miss Amy Walker

Teaching Assistant - Miss. Stephanie Hoggart (Reception) 

Teaching Assistant - Mrs. Emma Simpson (Reception)

Teaching Assistant - Mrs. Sarah Wood (Reception)
Teaching Assistant - Mrs. Donna Agnew (Year 1)

Teaching Assistant - Mrs. Emma Young (Year 2)

Teaching Assistant - Mrs. Shaunna Crofts (Year 3 & Year 4)

Teaching Assistant -  Mrs. Dawn Simpson (Year 5 - Part time)

Teaching Assistant - Mrs. Pamela McMahon (Year 5 - Part time)

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Rachel Lambert (0.2 Part time)

Teaching Assistant - Miss Cora Squire (SLC)

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Kirsten Bradley (SLC)


Wraparound Leader - Mrs Kelly Kenny


Site Staff of Cambrai 

Office Manager - Mrs Holly Reese

Business Admin Apprentice - Miss Edwina Lacy

School Cook - Mrs. Stephanie Stephenson

Catering Assistant - Mrs. Elena Davidson 

Catering Assistant - Mrs Louise Pritchard 

Caretaker - Mr. David Williams  

School Cleaners - Mrs Louise Pritchard & 
Lunchtime Play Team Member - Mrs Michelle Binks




Catterick Road, Catterick Garrison

North Yorkshire DL9 4BZ
01748 503130

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